Wednesday, February 13, 2008

BBCool gets ready to Pownce

BBCool hops onto yet another web 2.0 bandwagon.

PownceSince using Flock, I’ve been getting into the web 2.0 stuff, and Pownce is a great new way to get all of it together. The big thing about Pownce is that it ties a lot of great services together, like our Facebook fan page, our Flickr page which will be seeing some more action around WES-time, our YouTube profile featuring all of our video reviews, and lots of other stuff. Pownce is still really new, so there’s no RSS feeds available in the posting area, but we’re sure it’s on the way. As soon as it hits, you’ll be able to get the quick-and-dirty version of BBCool right on our Pownce profile. Oh, and they’ve got a mobile site available at, if you’re looking for access right from your BlackBerry.

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Smartphone usage on the rise

RIM trails behind Apple in customer satisfaction and planned purchases, but the gap is shrinking very quickly.

A graph showing customer satisfactionA new report from ChangeWave indicates that more and more cell phone users are planning a switch to more advanced models, and RIM and Apple are leading the pack. Of 4,182 consumers polled, 15% said they would be buying a phone from RIM in the next 6 months, while 17% said they’d be purchasing an iPhone. RIM was behind only Apple in customer satisfaction, ringing in at 55% compared the the iPhone’s 72%. While second place is nothing to sneeze at, things look even brighter when compared with the previous report in October. Apple’s customer satisfaction has fallen a whopping 10 points, mirrored to a lesser degree by every other smartphone company save RIM, who has risen 4 points. RIM also shows more momentum than Apple in those planning to purchase a new phone in the next 6 months: while while Apple has risen only 1 point since October, RIM has risen 3. The next report should be very interesting.

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Blackberry Remote Access Freeware

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Ziplorer offers access to compressed files

S4BB's latest release lets you access and create compressed files in GZIP and PKZIP formats right on your BlackBerry.

ZiplorerRecently-launched from S4BB is Ziplorer, the software that lets you handle PKZIP and GZIP files on your BlackBerry. Bandwidth is at a premium on EDGE devices, so dealing with compressed files is a smart move if speed and data use are an issue. If it’s something you’re interested in, you can pick up Ziplorer right over here at 15% off until Feb 21st.

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Ziplorer offers access to compressed files

Ziplorer offers access to compressed files
S4BB's latest release lets you access and create compressed files in GZIP and PKZIP formats right on your BlackBerry.

ZiplorerRecently-launched from S4BB is Ziplorer, the software that lets you handle PKZIP and GZIP files on your BlackBerry. Bandwidth is at a premium on EDGE devices, so dealing with compressed files is a smart move if speed and data use are an issue. If it’s something you’re interested in, you can pick up Ziplorer right over here at 15% off until Feb 21st.

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Blackberry Navigation Freeware

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MacBook Air demand trails that of original Intel-based MacBook

Interest in Apple Inc.'s new ultra-thin and lightweight MacBook Air is running high, but demand for the new sub-notebook is noticeably less than that of the first Intel-based MacBook launched in May of 2006, according to a new report. Piper Jaffra...
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Brad sent me a link to this. It'll probably be taken down soon enough, so a screenshot was in order.

Brad sent me a link to this. It'll probably be taken down soon enough, so a screenshot was in order.

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RIM launches worst ad campaign ever

101 bellybuttons walk into a bar... do you really need to hear the rest to get an idea of how bad this is?

The masks of comedies and tragediesNo, seriously. AdRants ripped into the new ad campaign from RIM and T-Mobile with good reason. The ads feature an improv comedy team in Chicago and another in New York telling jokes to each other over the phone. Unfortunately, the jokes are some of the most stilted, unfunny pieces of garbage I’ve ever had the misfortune of listening to. Highlights include off-key singing, a “joke” which consists of one performer completely flubbing the opening line, and one performer listing various accidents like “I bit my tongue” and “I bumped myself in the head” for no discernible reason. Even the audience didn’t laugh most of the time. Opinions differ on RIM’s usual marketing prowess, but there’s no doubt they can do better than this.

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