Wednesday, February 13, 2008

RIM launches worst ad campaign ever

101 bellybuttons walk into a bar... do you really need to hear the rest to get an idea of how bad this is?

The masks of comedies and tragediesNo, seriously. AdRants ripped into the new ad campaign from RIM and T-Mobile with good reason. The ads feature an improv comedy team in Chicago and another in New York telling jokes to each other over the phone. Unfortunately, the jokes are some of the most stilted, unfunny pieces of garbage I’ve ever had the misfortune of listening to. Highlights include off-key singing, a “joke” which consists of one performer completely flubbing the opening line, and one performer listing various accidents like “I bit my tongue” and “I bumped myself in the head” for no discernible reason. Even the audience didn’t laugh most of the time. Opinions differ on RIM’s usual marketing prowess, but there’s no doubt they can do better than this.

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